30/10/19 - 20/11/19 (Week 10 - Week 13)
Phoebe Ansel (0340165)
Final Project




Week 10

For our final project, we were told to create protest placards about our belief about design and society. We had to bring a 5-7 foot long stick, a A2 size cardboard, some markers or paint, newspaper, and chinese ink. I decided to use the phrase "Design is Empowering, Enlightening, Endless"

fig 1.1: sketches for protest card

fig 1.2: final design of my protest card 

Week 11

This week we were told to create posters by digitalizing our previous protest placards. We were told that the design does not have to be exactly the same. We were also told to use the given typefaces. I created several designs for the poster.

fig 1.3: screenshot of my illustrator artboards (initial ideas)

Week 12

After showing Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul the designs, I decided to choose and improve the first poster I created. This is the design I chose.

fig 1.4 : Screenshot of the Poster I chose on Illustrator

I then struggled to figure out what I wanted to animate. In the end, I decided to make a simple animation. I created several artboards in illustrator and then converted it to photoshop to complete the animation process. 

fig 1.5: animation proses, creating artboards in illustrator

fig 1.6: animation proses in photoshop

fig 1.7: Final result of my Poster in jpeg

fig 1.8: Final result of my poster in frame

Here is the final result of my animation:

fig 1.9: Final result of my animation Poster


Week 10
General Feedback : For our layout on the A4 design on our 2nd project, it doesn't have to be the same as others, we can try different layouts and we need to type our font name, name and year in Helvetica 7pt.

Week 11
General Feedback : All of our pdf files must be made public. 
Specific Feedback : I was told to create simpler designs that would not be difficult for people to read

Week 12
General Feedback : We have to update our blogs, and use an A4 format when animating our posters


Experiences: I was absent for week 10, and had to catch up by making the placard at home. I found it confusing coming up with the phrase. During week 11, we started digitalizing our posters and I struggled coming up with a design that would match or give meaning to my phrase. During week 12, it was very hectic as I had to make changes, and also start animating the poster.

Observations: On week 11, everyone started digitalizing their posters and everyone had very creative yet simple designs that match well with their phrases. On week 12, everyone was busy asking for feedback and animating their posters.

Findings: On week 10, I found it challenging coming up with a line that would be meaningful/impactful. On week 11, I struggled coming up with a poster design that would match well with my line/phrase and decided on creating as many designs as i could. On the 12th week, I found animating the poster to be challenging as I did not know how i wanted to animate it.

Further Reading

The Typography Idea Book by Gail Anderson and Steven Heller

fig 2.1: cover image for pdf book

The book features inspiring works by acclaimed typographic designers from across the world. 

It shows old techniques but also introduces modern and practical techniques that we can learn from today.  It showcases key elements that are needed for a good typography design. It also encourages us to try out new ideas of our own. The subjects covered include typographic rebus, abstract form, overlapping, using grids, metaphoric construction and illumination.


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