Week 1 - Week 14
Phoebe Ansel (0340165)
Minor Project



Week 1

For this module, we were asked to choose between 2 different projects to participate in. The first is the Water Rescue project and the second one is Taylor's Boutique Hotel project. I decided to join The boutique hotel project. We were then briefed about the project and were also divided into groups.

Each group had to consist of students from different areas of specialization. My group members are Jessica, Jonathan, and Kenny. We also formed a group with other schools.

All our work and discussion can be seen in our miro board below:

Week 2 - Week 3

We then had our first meeting with the other teams and took note of what information we needed to gather. The first thing we had to do was to create our interview/survey questions and create user personas as well. They also wanted their data as soon as possible so we had to work quickly. 

user persona

interview questions

After showing our work to Mr. Mike and receiving feedback, we decided to review our questions to make sure it wasn't too personal and that all the questions asked work necessary and relevant to the research.

Week 4

By the fourth week, we were informed by the BAT and BIT team that they were going to change the hotel's theme. Instead of doing the biophilic theme, we were going to focus more on Malaysian culture instead. However, we had already sent out our surveys. We then had to consult Mr. Mike on this matter.

We were also assigned to each do research that might help the BAT & BIT teams. I divided the tasks and I was assigned to do research on Malaysian Culture related Scents that can be used for the hotel.

Week 5

On the 5th week, we divided the workload for the survey analysis and also chose our hotel name and group name, which are "rafflesia" and "esquire".

This is my part of the survey analysis:

We then compiled our work together.

Week 6

Before our presentation, we had a consultation with Mr. Mike and we were also told to create a logo. Jessica, who is a graphic design student, was in charge of making the logo.

After showing several designs to the other teams, this was the logo they chose:

By the end of the week, we had our presentation. We (BDCM team) were represented by Jonathan to do the presentation.

These are our presentation slides:

After our presentation, we continued working and developing our designs. We had to design the hotel's website prototype.

The first thing we had to do was to create the website user flow and look for hotel website references.

hotel website design references



After we finished that, we started working on the website's wireframe.  This is the result of the wireframe:

wireframe 1st attempt

After showing the wireframe to Mr. Mike, we were asked to refine the wireframe to make it look more detailed. This is the result of the wireframe after feedback:

wireframe 2nd attempt

We showed the revised wireframe to Mr. Mike and he suggested that we add a section for the hotel's merchandise to replace the media page. 

We then proceeded to create the Hi-Fi Prototype on Figma.

Here is the result of the final website layout: 

Here are the final presentation slides:


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