
Professional Developement Week

REFLECTIVE REPORT As this semester is my final semester, it was compulsory for me to attend  6 workshops or webinars during Professional Development Week. All the webinars I attended were very insightful and meaningful, and I learned a lot from them. Here are some of my key takeaways. I joined 3 different webinars on the first day, the first workshop I attended was the " Financial Literacy for Fresh Graduates " workshop by Maybank. This webinar taught me so much, including the budgeting rule, which states that individuals should split their money 50 percent on needs, 30 percent on wants, and 20 percent on financial goals. Furthermore, adhering to a budget plan is critical for tracking spending prior to generating the budget. Maybank also assisted me in gaining a better understanding of some of the elements. The first is Investment Preparation, which entails self-assessment and the creation of emergency reserves while understanding risk tolerance. The second section is Steps ...


28/03/2022 - 27/04/2022 (Week 1 - Week 14) Week 1 During our first class, we were briefed about what to expect for our major project / final year project. We were given 3 different pathways to choose from: 1. To find a client and work with them 2. Do a project based on our previous dissertation  3. Do a project based on UNSDG's Goals The first step was to choose one of the pathways and then think of a specific project we want to do. After doing research, I decided to do a project based on UNSDG's Goals. _______ Week 2 This week I started looking into what I could do to fulfill the specific UNSDG target and goal I chose. I chose UNSDG's third goal, "Good Health and Well-being" which is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. I wanted to specifically focus on Mental Health which is mentioned in Target 3.4 -  "to reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health...


Week 1 - Week 14 Phoebe Ansel (0340165) Minor Project Projects INSTRUCTIONS   Project  Week 1 For this module, we were asked to choose between 2 different projects to participate in. The first is the Water Rescue project and the second one is Taylor's Boutique Hotel project. I decided to join The boutique hotel project. We were then briefed about the project and were also divided into groups. Each group had to consist of students from different areas of specialization. My group members are Jessica, Jonathan, and Kenny. We also formed a group with other schools. All our work and discussion can be seen in our miro board below: Week 2 - Week 3 We then had our first meeting with the other teams and took note of what information we needed to gather. The first thing we had to do was to create our interview/survey questions and create user personas as well. They also wanted their data as soon as possible so we had to work quickly.  user persona interview questions After showing ...


Week 1 - Week 14 Phoebe Ansel 0340165 Application Design II Final Project  INSTRUCTIONS     Final Project For our project, we had a collaboration with the business school and IT school. We were tasked to create a mobile app for the business school. They wanted to create a virtual fitting room app that would allow users to see how the clothes would fit them virtually so that wouldn't have to try them on. We were first divided into 2 groups to work on the user flow, user journey, and wireframe.  We did our work on miro: We then had a meeting with the business school students and made changes after receiving feedback from them. After doing the user flow and user journey, we started working on our wireframe. The idea was for both teams to create wireframes and then choose and combine them together to create a better version of it. my group's wireframe We had a meeting again with the business students and also showed Mr Razif our work, he then chose which elements ...


Week 10 - Week 14 Phoebe Ansel (0340165) Advanced Interactive Design Final Project INSTRUCTIONS    Final Project For our final project, we were asked to work on Spark Ar and Adobe Animate again to create a marketing campaign for Taylors/a famous brand.  We had to create a microsite using Adobe Animate and an AR App using Spark Ar. I decided to create a campaign for Taylors' New International Students who are arriving in Malaysia for the first time. Below are my proposal slides:   I then worked on the assets needed for both the microsite and filter on illustrator. After making my assets, I first worked on the microsite on adobe animate. After I completed the microsite, I worked on the filter on Spark Ar. Below is the final result: Microsite AR App:


Week 5 - Week 10 Phoebe Ansel (0340165) Advanced Interactive Design Project 2 INSTRUCTIONS   Project 2 For our second project, we had to create an AR filter using Spark AR. We were allowed to choose any theme and concept for our filter as long we followed the basic requirements, which are: 1. use face tracker 2. Use UI picker (min 3 options) 3. Background replacement 4. Use face interaction patch  For my filter, I had two ideas. The first one was a music-themed filter based on music genres. The second idea was to do a "movie" themed filter, which is based on movie genres. The idea was to create 4 different filters based on 4 movie genres, which are Horror, Romance, Crime, and Drama. I decided on doing the second idea.  I started by creating these frames in photoshop: music themed frame in photoshop movie themed frame in photoshop After receiving approval for my idea from Mr. Lun, I  continued working on my assets in Photoshop and Illustrator. design process on illus...


Week 1 - Week 14 Phoebe Ansel (0340165) Games Development Final Project  INSTRUCTIONS   Final Project For our project, we were tasked to create a platformer game. First, we had to come up with our game idea. We were given a bit of time during class to think about what game we wanted to make and then present our idea. My idea was to create a game based on one two of my favorite movies, Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. Initially, I wanted to make the character travel to 2 different realms, the first level would be in 'Neverland' and the second level would be in 'Wonderland'. But due to time constraints, I realized that I would not have time to design 2 realms, so I decided to only do Peterpan. My first Proposal Slides (changes were then made in the GDD) :   We then went through several tutorials during class to learn the basic codes and mechanisms needed for creating a game in unity. I also created the level design in illustrator to get a better picture of what the ga...